Director of the Prostate and Oncology Center, member of the Urological College Presidium, professor and surgeon of Europe, Singapore and the USA. Performs the following operations: radical prostatectomy, using TURP robot (transurethral resection of the prostate) of the prostate and laser ablation of the prostate adenoma.
prostatitis brings different problems into your life, such as:
Bad news is that 96.7% of men who suffer from prostatitis get impotence sooner or later.
Prostate cancer occurs on the final stages of the prostate gland inflammation, being a common result of a non-treated prostatitis. Men who ignore prostatitis actually risk their lives. If you want to live a long and healthy life, if you want to have a proper erection and a normal libido, you need to treat prostate inflammation. The sooner you do it, the better.
the problem is that despite the fact that most people are educated on this problem, they still do not go to the doctor. This happens because some people do not consider prostate inflammation a dangerous disease, and treat this problem as if it is something shameful and needs to be hidden. As a result, most patients forget about the disease without proper care, and when they decide to seek help (if this happens), it is often too late and the cancer has already started to develop».
One has to understand that prostatitis is a life-threatening disease that can turn into cancer. If untreated, this disease can cause cancer in just 1-2 years, which often leads to the death of the patient.
Now men have new unique opportunity to prevent and treat prostate enlargement once and for always – even without regular check-ups at the hospital.
In 2019 a revolutionary product appeared on the market, that quickly restores prostate function, eliminates inflammation and helps to treat prostatitis even if it has become chronical. It also strengthens virile strength and prolongs sexual intercourse. This natural product is called Erostim. This comfortable and simple product can be used wherever you are, and it is completely available to any person. The project and testing lasted for two years and were conducted by the USA doctors.
This year, the Association of physicians and surgeons successfully completed a clinical trial of a new generation product Erostim, which was created to treat prostatitis in the most effective way. The following statement was published by the press service of the Institute:
1. Erostim proved to be effective in 98% of cases. The percentage was measured using the standard method (the number of men recovered compared to the total number of patients in the group of 100 men treated).
2. In 96% of the cases, there was a complete absence of symptoms after the suspension of therapy (the percentage obtained on the basis of observation carried out within six months).
3. After a week of using the remedy, all patients noticed a significant increase in libido and virile strength.
4. In 95% of cases there was an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse.
5. No side effects or allergic reactions were observed.
6. Erostim proved to be a revolutionary product and should be considered one of the main tools to fight prostatitis.
Work experience — 18 years. He is very famous in medical circles, as he is the best surgeon of the genitourinary system operations, including minimally invasive ones.
Member of the Urology Society, Association of Urological Oncology and American Association of Urology (AAU).
For a long time there has been no effective and affordable solutions for prostatitis treatment, which has led to consequences that are simply terrible. This disease has developed in 45% of the adult population, and even worse in 25% of the young people. Erostim is a revolution in the prostatitis treatment, a real panacea. The effectiveness of drops has been tested on practice both in the US and in Europe. Their unique composition and discovery of living cells by scientists made Erostim indispensable in the fight against prostatitis.
The product has been tested and the results have been amazing. About 98% of all patients were cured, and the disease did not return. And the symptoms disappeared completely, as well as the inflammation of the prostate gland. In cases of relapse, after further use of Erostim, the symptoms disappeared forever.
In addition, due to the complex of powerful natural components Erostim enhances virile strength and prolongs the duration of sexual intercourse.
Erostim is a very effective method, as it solves the problem at all stages. It has an unprecedented therapeutic effect on the entire male genitourinary system. In simple words, after a course of this natural drug, the male body begins to work the same way as a 25-year-old young man. That's why I absolutely recommend it to all men. Even if you don’t have prostatitis a course of treatment with this drug is an excellent prevention and enhancement to the virile strength.
In addition, the product has passed all the tests to obtain the most important certificates. Clinical tests have fully confirmed the effectiveness of the product.
Dear men, don’t ignore your health. Don’t blame yourself for feeling weak and don’t put yourself to danger! YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH!
At the moment, the orthogonal Erostim can only be ordered through the official website of the manufacturer.
Thank you Erostim!