A Filipino student was recognized as a child prodigy and awarded a scholarship for discovering a method for blood vessels cleaning


Romeo D. Zamora’s idea is a new concept in hypertension treatment. It's a pity that the boy was noticed in the Philippines only when he won his award in New York. Before that, he asked our local government for support, trumpeted across the country about his invention, which could save thousands of lives, but no one paid attention to him.

Romeo says the secret to long life is in the vessels. If they are clean and healthy, a person can easily live 120 years or more, while feeling completely healthy.

Our reporter managed to interview a young child prodigy. Romeo in detail described his innovative blood vessels cleaning and life prolonging method, for which he received a grant and worldwide fame.

The president congratulated Romeo D. Zamora for getting the USA scholarship.

- Romeo, you have repeatedly stated that clean blood vessels are the key to good health. Why do you think that?

It's simple. The work of all internal organs and systems depends on the quality of blood flow. After all, the blood flow is the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, as well as the intake of carbon dioxide and metabolic products for the internal organs. In childhood and youth, we move a lot, our blood vessels are new, elastic, and clean – the nutrition of all organs is max. However, as we age, we move less, and our blood vessels begin to get contaminated. This happens due to various factors – not only harmful (for example, such as smoking, poor nutrition, ecology, sedentary lifestyle), but also quite natural (for example, lipid deposition, which everyone has).

What are contaminated vessels? Imagine pipes filled with rust. What happens in the end? As a result, the water pressure increases, and the water tastes bad. The same thing happens to the vessels. When cholesterol or other substances are deposited inside them, the pressure increases (dirty vessels are the main cause of hypertension!) , the blood is filled with impurities, the blood flow becomes wrong. As a result, all organs and systems suffer, and all of them make up a person. After all, even the skin is a separate system.

Eventually, a person begins to age. If you regularly clean your vessels, you can live at least up to 120 years. And at the same time, you will not have any pain – in no organs, and your brain will work well. That is, by cleaning blood vessels, you can significantly extend your life and improve health. And this is not just a theory. I recommended this to my patients and now I practice it myself. Everyone who listened to my advice at the time have outlived their peers.

This is how a gradual contamination of blood vessels occurs. If you have never cleaned them and you are over 40, then your vessels are very contaminated. This will soon affect your health, if it hasn't already.

- What exact pathologies can vascular contamination cause?

As I said, it affects the entire body as a whole. But, of course, those organs and systems that are directly related to blood circulation suffer first – the cardiovascular system.

Vascular contamination causes such diseases as:

  1. Atherosclerotic vascular disease. Blood vessels completely stop functioning: small vessels are fully clogged, and large ones have big deposits of cholesterol.
  2. Coronary heart disease. It occurs due to regular blood deficiency in the coronary vessels, which, in turn, is developed because of vascular contamination.
  3. Stroke. With persistent violation of blood flow to brain tissues, the necrosis of nerve endings begins, which leads to the loss of some functions.
  4. Hypertension. When the vessels lumen narrows due to contamination, the pressure increases.
  5. Varicose veins. It occurs not only on feet (which often upsets women), but also inside the body. One of the varicose veins consequences is hemorrhoids.
  6. Venous and arterial thrombosis. With prolonged contamination, a blood clot can form in the vessels, which leads to complete vessel necrosis, which can lead to the necrosis of individual cells in a particular organ. If a blood clot breaks off and gets into the blood, it can lead to heart vessels occlusion – and this is a heart attack, which ends in death in 70% of cases.

I want to show you some photos so you can see the danger of blood vessels contamination, and how it shortens life and worsens health.

And this happens everywhere! 4 times more people die from cardiovascular diseases than from all other causes combined. Doctors know about this, they know that it is necessary to clean blood vessels, but for some reason this practice is not present in Philippine medicine. Many doctors prescribe pills to lower blood pressure with hypertension. However, they don’t cure, they give a temporary effect. But it is necessary to clean the vessels. By the way, in the West, all people over 35-40 have been doing this for more than half a century. Everyone knows about vessels cleaning there. Why we don't – it remains a big question for me.

- Are there any symptoms that indicate that blood vessels are contaminated?

Yes, of course. The main symptoms are:

  1. Migraines
  2. Memory impairment
  3. Chronic fatigue
  4. Insomnia
  5. Intimate sphere problems
  6. Vision and hearing impairment
  7. High blood pressure
  8. Shortness of breath and angina
  9. Pale skin on feet
  10. Muscle and joint pain

However, even if you don’t have these symptoms, you should still clean your vessels at least once every 5 years after 30. Your health will be just great in this case.

In fact, blood vessels get dirty very quickly, especially for older people. You don't have to eat burgers or fries all day for this. It is enough to eat one sausage or fried eggs, so that some amount of cholesterol is deposited in your blood vessels. Over time, contamination is accumulated.

- You’ve managed to discover an innovative substance for hypertension treatment and vascular cleansing. Can we learn more about it, what is the innovation?

Almost all modern remedies for hypertension treatment are aimed at lowering angiotensin-converting enzyme in the blood, which leads to a temporary decrease in blood pressure (and vasodilation). The innovation is that the substance I invented is aimed at normalizing the endocrine system that produces this enzyme. As a result, it helps not only to temporarily remove the symptoms of hypertension, but also to eliminate its causes – in other words, hypertension completely disappears. The substance contains special elements that help to clean vessels and strengthen their walls. That is, it eliminates the main cause of hypertension (cholesterol deposits), as well as prevents vessel ruptures and heart attacks and strokes.

The leading cardiac surgeon of the country, doctor of medicine, employee of Philippine Heart Center , TIMOTHY DY, agreed to tell our reporter more about the new innovation of the prodigy student.

Timothy DY told how to reduce pressure once and for all

Romeo had a great idea, and scientific consultants helped to make the remedy. Numerous specialists were involved, for example, the laboratory of the National scientific cardio surgical center provided the base for experiments. The remedy made in our laboratory is ready and it shows incredible results

His solution seems simple. However, it is not so easy to influence the endocrine system. A Filipino student Romeo D. Zamora discovered a substance that can normalize the production of angiotensin-converting enzyme. All this time, we have been creating a remedy based on it. To date, only HeartKeep has this substance.

HeartKeep is a very good product that allows you to clean even heavily contaminated vessels within 1-2 weeks of regular use.

I also want to note that this remedy does not contain chemicals, but only highly concentrated extracts from plants that are useful for blood vessels cleaning, so it’s very good for the body.

There is official statistics on the National scientific cardio surgical center’s website on vessels cleaning, which was obtained from the results of clinical studies. In total, about 2000 patients participated in the study. All of them were taking a course of HeartKeep.

Research results:

  1. Normalized blood pressure within 1-2 days of taking the remedy – 99% of participants
  2. Normalized heart rate during the course – 97% of participants
  3. Complete blood vessels cleaning from cholesterol during the course – 99% of participants
  4. Improved effectiveness of chronic diseases' treatment – 99% of participants
  5. Improved overall health – 100% of participants
  6. No side effects from taking the remedy – 100% of participants

- How much does HeartKeep cost and where can people buy It?

HeartKeep is a very affordable remedy, especially now – UNTIL (INCLUSIVE) HeartKeep IS DISTRIBUTED AT A HUGE DISCOUNT.

The remedy is a main one of the Philippine government-funded program against hypertension. Anyone can get the remedy at a discount under the preferential program.

MLearn more about how to get HeartKeep delivered anywhere in the country.

In order to get HeartKeep, the following is required:

  1. Fill out the application form
  2. After this, the manager will call you to clarify the shipping address
  3. In 1-4 days (required for delivery), you will need to pick up HeartKeep at the post office or from a courier.

In order to maintain the blood vessels clean, I recommend taking a cleaning course once in 1-2 years. This is especially important for older people. In this case, you will be able to significantly improve your health and delay the old age. After all, clean vessels are the key to good health.

- Romeo and Timothy, thank you so much for such a detailed interview.

Official application form

in the order of "HeartKeep" in the promotion for ₱ 1,950.
To receive HeartKeep funds under a discounted regional preference program.
3,900 ₱. 1,950 ₱.
* Your data is sent directly to the manufacturer. No one but he has access to them.


Lina Gonzales / Manila

Thanks to Romeo’s parents! A genius. Very interesting. I got HeartKeep! I didn't fully believe that there would be such a discount.

Elena Sison

I am one of those who also managed to try HeartKeep. I had hypertension for 7 years. I don't even remember my pressure being normal. After my doctor’s recommendation, I decided to clean my blood vessels. After a month of taking HeartKeep, my blood pressure returned to normal! Now I have been living without hypertension for 2 months. It's a completely different life. I feel much better. I recommend this wonderful remedy to everyone – especially during promos like these.

Tina / Cebu

Thanks. I also managed to sign up. The courier delivery is convenient – they can deliver it anywhere in the country directly to your door.

Sergio Damiano

Our children are the smartest! Romeo, well done! Fortunately, we also have experience of treatment with HeartKeep – hypertension went away.

Lerma Yoro / Manila

Romeo is great, just like his parents. I used HeartKeep last month. My pressure was high sometimes. I was taking it for about 2-2,5 weeks. My pressure stopped increasing. I feel completely healthy.


I've been cleaning my blood vessels for 5 years now. It helps me stay strong and healthy. I don't have any disease, and many of my peers are already in a grave. I even still have sex, sorry for the details. Cleaning vessels is essential!

Irenio Galves / Palawan

The remedy is very good. I fully confirm! I had a constant 140/90 pressure. I lived with it for several years. After the course, my pressure became 125/85. My health has significantly improved.

Vivian / Tugegarao

I cured high blood pressure with this medication. High blood pressure was my life partner for a long time. Over time, I also got diabetes and kidney problems. Very poor memory and vision. For all my life, I was using everything I could. Nothing really helped. I decided to try HeartKeep. This was my first time I ordered medications online, but it was easy.

Emilio Carlos / Manila

I won a 100% discount! Thanks!

Adela Fuerte / Cebu

Thanks! Recently, I’ve watched a program about this boy and the medication on TV. Many doctors were complementing him there.

Aniceto Toledo / Manila

I've been taking it for a month (with breaks). My blood pressure has completely returned to normal, and I feel noticeably better. Thank you, Romeo!!!

Salud Olegario / Vigano

I read more about the product. Impressive!

Tina Morales

I'll be honest, it's great! I ordered it as soon as I found out about our little child prodigy and the discount program. I got a 50% discount! It was delivered in 3 days. I started taking it as soon as I got it. I noticed a great improvement in my health that evening. My pressure became normal. Not like for me as a person with hypertension. Normal like for an ordinary person. My condition is just wonderful. I got energy. My sleep improved, I was just a healthy person yesterday. The best medication of all.

ORDER HeartKeep