For well over nine years, Hero Plus™ has been helping guys just like you bring their sex life back to the boil!
With over 12 million Penis Enlargement Pills sold to more than 150 thousand satisfied customers , Hero Plus™ is one of the the leading, most trusted penis enlargement products on the market.
Satisfying sex – for both you and your partner – relies on a long-lasting erection and big penis. And a good, hard, long-lasting erection relies on blood flow. Hero Plus Male Enhancement Pills use a powerful fusion of proven natural ingredients to help increase the penis size and sustainability of your erections by increasing penis cavernous bodies size and increasing blood flow to your penis.
During an erection, the tissues in your penis fill with blood. The more bigger cavernosal spaces, the bigger and harder your penis becomes. Hero Plus™ expands the blood vessels leading to the erectile tissues in your penis, increasing the flow of blood to them when you have an erection. This increase in blood flow to your penis gives you bigger, harder, longer lasting erections, and enables you to experience stronger, more intense orgasms.
That’s not all. Improved blood flow also means oxygen and nutrients are delivered much more quickly to your cells, delaying fatigue and boosting your stamina during sex. With Hero Plus™ you can give your partner what they really want with rock-hard erections and all night staying power.
The key to the rock-hard erections and all-night staying power Hero Plus™ gives you is its strong doses of tribulus terrestris and 40% saponin. These ingredients have been specifically chosen for their ability to significantly increase your body’s nitric oxide production. And nitric oxide is the key to increasing blood flow to your penis. Nitric oxide relaxes and widens your blood vessels, improving the flow of blood through your body.
By increasing nitric oxide levels in your blood, Hero Plus™ boosts blood flow to your penis and oxygen delivery to your cells, giving you a solid erection that stays harder for longer, and the stamina for an intense and satisfying sex session.
Hero Plus’s unique blend of essential nutrients and powerful erection-enhancing ingredients gives you big results with just one pill a day .
Many of our satisfied customers have seen an increase in their penis size of between 0.5 – 2 inches over a 4 week period by using Hero Plus™ every day.
With bigger, harder erections, more intense orgasms, and a huge boost to your stamina in the bedroom, there’s no other male enhancement supplement like Hero Plus™.