120/80 pressure is an impossible dream for you?
This dream is real!
Esperanza Alcantara Cabral
We talked to Dr. Esperanza Alcantara Cabral, who is a famous Filipino cardiologist, professor and clinical pharmacologist with many years of work experience. She shared a secret method to normalize blood pressure.
- Doctor, how does hypertension affect a person’s life quality, how serious is this disease?
With age many health problems appear, one of which is hypertension.
Hypertension is a pathology that is accompanied by a persistent increase in blood pressure over 130/90. It entails changes in the internal organs work, as well as a violation of person’s well-being.
When this disease appears, a person’s condition undergoes the following changes:
- chronic fatigue;
- intelligence and memory decline;
- migraine;
- vision deteriorates, it leads to blindness in severe cases;
- hearing is getting worse;
- movement coordination violation;
- gait changes
- arms or legs weakness;
- overall sensitivity reduction;
- joint and muscle pain;
- insomnia;
- erectile dysfunction;
- kidneys load increases, which can lead to a violation of the main function of urination;
All these symptoms significantly worsen the life quality, it is more difficult for a man to play with his children/grandchildren, perform daily activities, and it is more difficult for a woman to maintain domestic life, this is due to constant shortness of breath during even insignificant physical activities.
- Can hypertension show no symptoms?
This is why the disease is so insidious! For many patients, arterial hypertension can show no symptoms for a long time and a patient's health may remain relatively good. Their body simply adjusts to high blood pressure. High blood pressure, regardless of whether a person feels it or not, has a harmful effect on the blood vessels and the organs they feed: brain, heart, kidneys. Due to a long-lasting arterial hypertension (even if there are no complaints) these changes can lead to vascular catastrophes:
- stroke;
- pain in the chest area, also called angina;
- heart attack;
- heart and kidney failure;
- cardiac arrhythmia, which can lead to a sudden death;
Hypertension always has a progressive pattern.
The following is the statistics on deaths from cardiovascular diseases in the Philippines:

- 13,2 % coronary heart disease;
- 12 % heart and kidney failure;
- 11,9 % heart attack;
- 11 % stroke;
- 4 % hypertension;
- 2 % arrhythmia;
- 45,9% other diseases;
- Is there the main reason for hypertension?
The main reason is a decrease of small vessels' lumen, which obstructs the blood flow. Pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases, there is an increase in blood pressure, because the heart muscle needs more effort to push blood through the bloodstream. This is due to the blood vessels contamination.
Clean vessels are the basis of good health and well-being.
Hypertension is getting younger, the age of patients with hypertension is 18 and older,
it is quite easy to recognize the disease, a person should start cleaning when the following symptoms appear:
- face reddening;
- sweating;
- hands swelling;
- morning swelling;
- face puffiness;
- memory decline;
- tinnitus;
- seeing spots and blurred vision;
- general weakness;
- sleep disorder;
- dizziness;
- heavy head;
- palpitation.
If a patient does not start clearing their blood vessels, the symptoms progress and become permanent.
A patient will have to constantly visit pharmacies and buy a bunch of different medications. Is it pleasant? Of course not!
This is what a clogged vessel looks like

- Doctor, what would you recommend for vessels cleaning?
Recently, my colleagues from the Philippine heart center have developed an effective remedy to clean blood vessels.
HeartKeep is a product that was developed by leading experts in the field of cardiology. For more than three years, they were developing a formula that would give the best results in the treatment of hypertension and its consequences.
The medication contains only highly concentrated extracts of medicinal plants that clean blood vessels well, which makes it a safe and eco-friendly product, and it also has a nutritional value for the entire body.
HeartKeep is produced primarily in the Philippines and funded by the federal government.

Personally, I recommend this product, recently, I’ve completed the course and I’m very happy with the result, my life is vivid again, and that's why I’m sharing this godsend with my patients who come to me with concomitant diseases.
After you start taking the remedy, you will notice changes in your general health for the better, the result will not be long in coming, and after one or two weeks, the blood vessels patency will be increased and you will finally be able to feel like a healthy person.
I want to introduce you to the statistics of blood vessel cleaning with the help of HeartKeep,
which was obtained as a result of clinical studies.
The study involved 3000 patients, all of them were taking a 2
weeks course of HeartKeep.Here is what the study results showed:
- Blood pressure returned to normal during the first week of taking the remedy – 99% of participants;
- Heart rate returned to normal – 97% of participants;
- 98% of participants completely cleared their blood vessels from cholesterol at the end of the study;
- Migraines disappeared – 99% of participants;
- Vision and hearing improved – 100% of participants;
- Overall well-being improved – 100% of participants;
- Effectiveness of chronic diseases' treatment increased – 98% of participants;
- No side effects from taking the remedy – 100% of participants.

- How much does HeartKeep cost and where can people buy it?
Right now, the remedy price is very affordable, you can order it at a 50% discount, but you should hurry up, because as far as I know, the promo is temporary and will be valid until date (a date with limits is specified here)
Learn more about how to get HeartKeep delivered anywhere in the country:
- Fill out the form on the website.
- After that, the manager will call you and clarify the delivery address.
And remember, in order to keep your blood vessels clean, it is recommended to take a course of the remedy once a year, because clean blood vessels are the key to good health and well-being, especially for the elderly. I would like to wish you and your family a good health.

Official application form
№29982I do not recommend ordering the remedy on other websites to avoid fraudsters.
- Dr. Cabral, thank you for your time and an interesting and useful interview.

Good afternoon. I'm 57. I found out about HeartKeep by accident online in April 2020. I really wanted to try it.
I immediately ordered 5 packages. My husband and I are taking it together. We are happy with the results, we have a surge
of strength, our feet are less tired (we work on our feet all day), spider angiomas turned pale, chest pains and shortness
of breath disappeared, my husband stopped taking his blood pressure medications due to HeartKeep.
Several people around me are already taking HeartKeep following our recommendation, and everyone is also happy. Thank you very much.

My mom is taking HeartKeep for 2 weeks, I see that she’s become more active, she enjoys playing with her grandchildren and treats us to pastries, the whole family is very happy about her health improvement, thanks to this supplement’s creators.

I am very happy with the result, my life has changed for the better, I am less tired, I have enough energy for my sex life, and my wife is happy about it.

I was very afraid to order HeartKeep, I didn’t believe that it could work. Until my doctor advised it to me. I'm thrilled, I'll order more!

I used to have high blood pressure, I had a micro-stroke and started looking for a remedy that could normalize my blood pressure, I came across HeartKeep, ordered it, it was delivered to my door, I no longer have health problems, daily routine is much easier for me now!

Very interesting, I ordered 2 packages!!

My spouse and I have been taking HeartKeep for a month, and we sometimes forget to take it every day. We did a vessels' examination 2 months ago for the first time, the examination showed that our vessels were full of cholesterol, recently we had the examination again, our vessels are clean.

I have been suffering from memory impairment for many years, I thought that this was the end, but it turned out that there was a solution, now I feel young!
I’ve noticed improvements! No more nosebleed, no tinnitus, and I don’t feel tired during the day, and besides, it is easier to wake up in the morning. I recommend!