Ricardo, 64 years old
I was a keen basketball fan – still am, but my grandchildren think I’m too old for sports. I don’t particularly agree with them, but you know us gramps; we are easily convinced.
It was a month ago that I was watching a basketball match live in the stadium. The tournament was in the last stages of its finale, and the whole crowd was up on their feet. My heart was pounding in my feeble ribcage, and the blood was rushing in my head. I thought it was the stress of the victory and failure that was making my blood pressure skyrocket.
But I was wrong.
The stress finally took a toll on me, and I had to leave the stands to sit somewhere far from the crowd. Holding the hand of my third grandchild, I was guided out in the fresh air and dropped on the nearest bench. My hands and feet were cold, and I could no longer feel my heart beating erratically. It was like I was drifting away from my surroundings; the cheer of the crowd seemed distant, and the warm hand holding mine felt numb. I couldn’t feel my senses except for my chest panting heavily for air.
Anyways, without going much into the gory details, I’ll come straight to the point. From the stadiums, I ended up in the hospital. I was diagnosed with hypertension. The doctors had prescribed me three tablets to take throughout the day – morning, noon, and night.
Given my old age, the disease wasn’t a good indication. It could affect my kidneys and my brain very easily. I could have suffered a stroke or heart attack if I had delayed getting checked up any longer. Precautions were a necessity – I was forbidden too much salt, intake of fast food, excessive walking/physical exercise, taking stress, or getting heated up. Rest and peace were mandatory.
I may be old, but I couldn’t bear the saltless food
From a high-spirited, active old man, I was reduced to an aging, wimpy granddad who had to spend a major part of the day cooped up in the house. I could no longer go to the stadiums to watch sports live – the television was the only resort. My food turned bland, I had to stop taking alcohol, and my life lost much of its colors.
I am not complaining. I am just trying to convey what being a patient with high blood pressure feels like. And therefore, how important it is to regulate your health before you’re forced to adopt a lifestyle that’s the least exciting.
Driven by this change in life, I decided to seek help from my fellows. I wasn’t sure which of my friends had what diseases, but I decided to give it a general try. I made a WhatsApp group, added all my friends who I could think of, and started complaining. Not in the literal sense, of course. I told them about my condition, what the doctors had said, and how difficult it was to adjust to it.
The conversation began. One of my old-time colleagues piped in how he was taking Vascolex for treating high blood pressure, and it was doing wonders for him. He went on to say that he had been diagnosed with hypertension over a year ago, and within two months of regular intake of the drug, he had seen prominent results.
Well, I was impressed. Not only could I relate my condition with his, but I was also genuinely convinced. It was right then and there that I decided to get my son to buy me Vascolex and have a go at it.
The day my life changed – again, for the better!
After battling through the boiling debates that complained about how I was taking a drug without a doctor’s prescription, I emerged victoriously and got my hands on Vascolex.
Now let me tell you what it did for me.
Ever since I was diagnosed, my head used to hurt sometimes. At follow-ups, my doctor had warned that my body was lacking essential vitamins to support a strong immune system and proper health of the organs. I’ll be honest; when I started taking Vascolex, I wasn’t too positive. I thought all of it was inevitable with my age and the disease, and I had to live with deteriorating health for the rest of my days.
Yet I knew I could, my friend, and continued with the dose.
Well, I was impressed. Not only could I relate my condition with his, but I was also genuinely convinced. It was right then and there that I decided to get my son to buy me Vascolex and have a go at it.
There was a significant improvement that I could feel in my health. I was feeling more energetic and livelier as I used to feel before. My head didn’t hurt anymore; I had not only restored my vitamins but also strengthened my heart, kidneys, and other organs.
It was at the doctor’s check-up in the next month that I got to know all this. Ironically, my physician was quite happy (and surprised) with the improvement in my health.
And guess the best part? I was able to return to basketball stadiums and cheer for my favorite teams without raising my blood pressure levels in the sky!